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About Us

Amri Soap Company was born in 2013. My goal was to create handmade soap in various colors and fragrances. There wasn't anything like that in the area where I lived. After reading an article in a magazine about a lady who pursued her dream of making handmade soap, I decided to take the plunge too! With the support of my family, I was able to leave my job and focus entirely on soapmaking. My daughter was a tremendous help when we set up at markets and outdoor fairs. Now my husband has taken the torch and has done a wonderful job in learning all about the benefits of the products. There has been a lot of bumps and bruises on the way, but all have been learning experiences that paved the road to where we are today. Handmade soap and spa products are our passion! From starting with just 3 types of soaps, we now carry soap, handmade body scrub, lotion, bath bombs, bath salts, eye pillows, aromatherapy shower steamers and so much more!

We continue to learn, experiment, and strive to improve everything we do. Our customers are #1, and we love to hear their input and recommendations! Thank you to everyone that has supported us over the years. 

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